Texas Science Policy Fellows

Program founded & directed by Melody Tan (Spring 2021)

Program description

Fellows provide accurate and nonpartisan assistance on science and technology issues, including conducting technical background research and presenting information in ways that are accessible to policymakers and the general public. The fellowship experience is a unique opportunity that promotes lifelong policy engagement and provides valuable experience that will benefit scientists and engineers working in any sector.

Sponsors and partners

The Texas Science Policy Fellows program was hosted by Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST). Funding for the pilot program was provided by the Baker Institute for Public Policy, the Wiess School of Natural Sciences, and the Brown School of Engineering. The 2021 cohort worked with the nonprofit organization The Immunization Partnership (TIP) and legislative stakeholders.


The inaugural program was a part-time program from March 1 - May 31, 2021. Fellows contributed around 8 hours/week through remote work, which was scheduled around research commitments. Compensation was provided as scholarship paid at the beginning of the fellowship program.


Fellows must be students enrolled in a Rice University graduate program at the Wiess School of Natural Sciences or the Brown School of Engineering. A demonstrated interest in policy was preferred, though previous policy experience is not required. Specific subject area expertise was not required, and general research, critical thinking, and communication skills were prioritized.


For additional information, please contact Melody Tan at TexasSciencePolicy@gmail.com.

Congrats to our inaugural fellows Robert Laroche, Roxanna Llinas, Esther Lou, and Adam Navara!

Fellow meeting with Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy and The Immunization Partnership

Fellow meeting with The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas

Visit to the Texas Capitol